Thursday, October 31, 2019

American Revolution in 1775-1783 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Revolution in 1775-1783 - Term Paper Example The young government could hardly work effectively too, because the British had bottled up communication channels. The government also had divided institutions; and most of the time, General George Washington was forced to make important decisions by himself. Economic chaos worsened the conditions of the war. Hyperinflation emerged due to overprinting of money and rising debt. American money became almost worthless. America also had troubles in accessing loans and credit. The war, furthermore, stifled trade and commerce. In addition, diplomatic challenges also occurred. America needed European allies against the British. It also needed loans to finance the war. In essence, America needed the diplomatic and financial support of France, Spain, and the Netherlands. From July to December 1776, the initial American strategy was to fight off the British at NYC, to hold Fort Washington, and to fight the British with their own tactics. The motives behind this strategy were that NYC held prop agandistic value for America and losing it could be a large morale blow to American forces; protecting NYC also denied the British the access to Hudson River. The strategy was flawed, however, because America was not prepared to fight the European way. Fighting too close to the ocean worked against the Americans, because the British had superior navy strength. ... They also undercut the British forces using wild goose chases, which was effective in overextending the physical strength and resources of the latter. Eventually, the Americans won because of their guerilla and wild goose chase tactics. Their patience and will, as well as their home court advantage, ensured their victory against the British. In addition, France also sided with the U.S., and the Netherlands loaned money to support the U.S. The British was also exhausted, while the public opinion in the UK increasingly opposed the war against America. The Paris Peace Treaty was signed to end the war. It represented the various agenda of American, Britain, France, and Spain. Americans demanded independence and clearer rights and boundaries as a sovereign nation. Britain wanted to preserve Oregon and Ohio, and decided that America could be an ally that balanced the powers against Spain and France. Spain wanted no treaty with America and desired only to attain British land concessions. Fr ance wanted an independent, but weak, America and to ascertain peace with Britain. The states established The Articles of Confederation, which was the first constitution of the United States. The first draft was made in 1777 by the similar Continental Congress that passed the Declaration of Independence. The Articles provided that the states preserved their â€Å"sovereignty, freedom and independence.† The states did not set up executive and judicial branches of the government, and they chose a committee of delegates that were composed of representatives from each state. These individuals made up the Congress, a national legislature that the Articles established. Summary of Paris Peace Treaty John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay represented

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reading Kafka Essay Example for Free

Reading Kafka Essay Reading Kafkas The Trial, especially for the first time, we often experience a blend of precision and obscurity; words, sentences, and single events are clear in themselves, but are linked to each other in ways we cannot always grasp. The blend of precision and obscurity is one of the most remarkable aspects of the style in which The Trial is written. The device is used constantly and consistently throughout the novel, and we assume that it is used like all other stylistic devices, i. e. to throw an aspect of the novel into relief. In an attempt to determine, if possible, what this aspect is, follows a detailed analysis of two paragraphs on pages 159 to 160 that I deem to be characteristic of the blend of precision and obscurity. In the two paragraphs, detail and precision interact with each other to produce a blend. Almost all descriptions are quite in depth, such as the description of the old woman wrapped in a warm shawl, yet these detailed descriptions are not connected with anything else in the book. The old woman does not reappear anywhere else in the book, and no symbolism, hidden meaning or reference becomes apparent after having analyzed the description. In more conventional novels, almost every character that appears is in some way, whether clear or obscure, connected with the main plot or a sub plot. Not so with The Trial. The old womans importance and connection, if indeed there is one, remains open to speculation: perhaps she belongs to the court, perhaps the scrap of what looked like carpet that K sees in the same paragraph comes from her warm shawl, perhaps this enigma is simply a device used by Kafka to confuse the reader. The possibilities and perhapses stretch on into infinity until they are lost in the obscurity of the cathedral. Kafka describes an object, person, or concept in great detail, with very few omissions in order to give the described every semblance of reality, but the meaning of the described is left completely open to the reader. This is the particular blend which casts its mottled shadow on the novel. A possible interpretation of this presence of this blend would be to say that it serves to give the novel a dreamlike, surreal quality. One knows from ones own dreams that certain aspects remain crystal clear in our memory, yet one can almost never remember for sure what the aspects role in the dream was. It is the same way with the blend: an aspect may be clear, but the rest is hazy. Supporting this interpretation would be the fact that K cannot read: he opens his album and looks through the pages for a while, probably only looking at the pictures without reading the text, and eventually has to stop this futile exercise ostensibly because it is too dark. The dream interpretation would also explain the randomness of events, objects, and people. Since the subconscious is left to work unrestricted in dreams, the products can be quite random and utterly impossible to link together or make sense of using logical means. The blend could also be viewed as a method to accentuate the confusion and plunge the reader yet deeper into the obscurity. In the second paragraph, when the candles have been lit, Kafka states that the candles only made the darkness more intense. If the candles and light are taken to represent precision and the darkness obscurity, then Kafka is clearly showing why he has worked the blend in to the novel. It is impossible to judge anything unless one compares it to something else. It is by contrast that we determine what is what. If one is constantly in the dark, one will not consider it dark, because one has become accustomed. Perhaps the candles of precision are there to throw the confusion and the haziness into sharp (or hazy? ) relief. Kafka only allows in any light so that the reader can see that he is bathed in darkness and confusion, and be attracted to the light. However, when the reader reaches the light he realizes the light is hollow as well: it is only aesthetically different from the darkness. In the second paragraph Joseph K. examines an altarpiece with his electric light. K. sees a Knight and looks at it for a considerable period analyzing it in detail without really understanding what the Knight is doing, nor why he was there. However, when K. shifts his light to see the rest of the picture, he realizes that the Knight is only a small piece of a conventional treatment of Christs burial. The parallel between K. and the reader is too strong to be overlooked. The reader, while reading the book, is looking through it one page at a time, attempting to analyze details and connect events. It is as if we too are looking at disconnected close-ups of a large picture. Like a picture, the events in the book are non-linear. They can be read any which way and in any order and still retain the same meaning. Kafka is essentially telling us as readers that we ought to shift our lights as K. does so that the whole of the picture is lit. If the reader focuses solely on one precise aspect, the rest of the picture is bathed in obscurity. Kafka, through the device of precision and obscurity, is telling the reader to take a step backwards and view the novel not as a succession of events like other conventional novels, but rather like a picture, where ones eyes and thoughts may rove freely along any lines that they choose. Only then will the whole come into focus. With reference to the last paragraph, I have been guilty of doing exactly what Kafka tells us not to do: i. e. analyzing in detail a small part of the text. Thus any conclusion that I may draw from these paragraphs alone are bound to be erroneous. However, draw a conclusion I will. I believe the blend of obscurity and precision is used to immerse the reader completely into the confusion of the text while at the same time advising the reader to take a step backwards. Given Kafkas rather eccentric sense of humor, I think it is quite possible that he believed pulling the wool over the readers eyes was uproariously funny, especially when the wool has directions telling how to lift the wool sewn on the inside, where it is too dark to see.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marketing Is The Life Blood Of Any Organisation Marketing Essay

Marketing Is The Life Blood Of Any Organisation Marketing Essay When people think of marketing, most would immediately think of it as a business trying to get the consumer to purchase its products. However the concept of marketing and the marketing process is much more complex than that assumption. Today, practically everything is marketed to some degree. The marketing of goods is the most obvious one, however you can consider places to be marketed, think of the government ministers mass exodus every saint patricks day under the guise of marketing Ireland to the rest of the world! Organizations, such as colleges and universities market themselves to prospective students. Sporting events such as the Cheltenham race festival or the six nations rugby engage in marketing. Even people are marketed as Kotler points out, some people have done a masterful job of marketing themselves- think of Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith and Michael Jordan (Kotler, 2006 p8) The American Marketing Association defines marketing to be marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large AMA. (2007) Definition of Marketing. Available: Last Accessed 10 March 2010. As I previously stated the process of marketing is much more than a vendor trying to convince a consumer to purchase their product. It is about delivering value to the consumer, satisfying customer needs, meeting or exceeding customer expectations, creating strong brand identity, winning new customers and retaining current ones and companies being able to adapt to changing market conditions. The process of marketing occurs in a dynamic environment (Bradfield, 2010), that is constantly changing, however a core concept in the marketing process is the so called marketing mix or the 4 ps of marketing, first referred to by Jerome McCarthy in 1960. Available: Last Accessed 11 March 2010. The marketing mix refers to product, price, place and promotion. When you talk of a product or service, you have to offer a product that fits the need of the consumer. Today, consumers have more choice than previous generations and are more demanding. It should satisfy other criteria such as product durability, product differentiation, i.e. what makes your product stand out from the crowd, what features does your product have, is there after sales care/warranties etc. The price of the product being offered has to take into account how much customers are willing to pay for your product and for the producer to make a profit. This is a dif ficult question to answer as a product that is priced too high in relation to other products may not sell well, however sometimes a higher price in the minds of consumers equals better quality for which some consumers are prepared to pay a premium for. But on the other hand a product that is priced too low, possibly on the assumption that it will win on price alone, may not sell well either as it is considered inferior to other similar products due to its low price. The place in the marketing mix is all about how the product or service gets to the consumer. It must be convenient for the consumer to access the product. This element of the mix is evident in the rise of businesses like that allow consumers to shop for goods 24/7 and have the goods delivered to them. And the last element of the mix, promotion refers to how the consumer is made aware that the product exists, of the benefits it can bring to them and the value of the product. As I said at the beginning of the paragraph marketing occurs in a dynamic environment and marketing thought is constantly changing. It must be pointed out however as Gareth Morgan shows in his book Riding the waves of change, that the 4ps takes the view from that of the producer, in that everything in it is from their point of view. Whereas marketing thought today tends to put the consumer at the centre and everything is geared towards meeting their needs rather than that of the producer. From a marketers point of view, it is impossible to satisfy everyone all of the time so marketers engage in what is called market segmentation. A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.(Kotler, 2006 p240) When marketers identify a market segment they can they target their efforts on that group. Markets can be broken up on a number of different basis. The process of market segmentation In marketing a product or service an organization can follow a mass marketing strategy or it can use the process of market segmentation. The mass marketing strategy(tied into the production concept, which I will detail in the next section) is probably now an outdated method of marketing for most products due to the sheer variety on offer to consumers. In pursuing a mass marketing strategy, a company targets a market as whole and offers the one product or service to the whole market. The company hopes for higher profits by engaging in mass production and mass distribution techniques, thereby lowering its overall costs. Examples of previous mass marketing strategies was Coca Cola who at first only produced one size bottle of coke. (Kotler, 2003, p279) The market segmentation process is what is practiced more commonly today. A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of wants. (Kotler, 2003,p279) In defining a market segment, Kotler talks of a seven step process. The first step is to group customers who have a similar needs. For example with cars you can identify groups who have a need for people carriers. The next step is for each identifiable market segment to break it down further by classing it according to other variables such as demographics(gender, race, age etc), behavioral patterns(usage, user status etc), and geographic variables. The third and fourth step combined is to take each segment that has been broken down and to establish how attractive each segment is to the organization based on factors such as profitability and segment size. Step five, after identifying a particular segments unique needs, the company must set forth a set of benefits to satisfy those needs (The product of the marketing mix) and it must determine a price for the product. The sixth step is to determine the attractiveness of each segments positioning strategy and finally to expand the positioning strategy to include the whole marketing mix. Marketing Concept The marketing process is all about the customer. The philosophy that the customer is king and is the core of the business. Kotler again speaks of six competing concepts under which the process of marketing is carried out. They are the production concept, product concept, marketing, selling, customer and societal concepts. The production concept is as I said previously tied in with mass marketing. The production concept does not take into account the consumers needs, rather it focuss on building a product and then trying to sell this to the consumer. The production process favors low cost due to high volume manufacturing. The product concept concentrates on building better quality products, with more features in the belief that is what consumers want. The selling concept is probably the concept most people equate with marketing. This is where a producer actively tries to sell its goods/services to consumers through advertising and aggressive selling. The risk with the selling concept is producers hope that consumers who do fall for the hard sell, will actually like the product. Obviously consumers may like the product and return to do more business but on the other hand they may hate it and actually bad mouth the product to friends. The marketing concept is more customer orientated than the previous concepts. Here the customer is king and everything the business does is centered on the needs of the customer. Marketing Plan BarryDoyleDesign Jewelers 1.Executive Summary Barry Doyle Design(BDD) Jewelers is a husband and wife operation that has been in business for several years. Barry has learned the trade from his father whilst Adrianna is a qualified gemologist. It specializes in custom made high end jewelery as well as holding a range of contemporary and Celtic themed stock jewelery. The business has targeted the wedding sector quite successfully in the past and through its website is also chasing international customers, especially those of Irish ancestry who would be interested in its Celtic line. 2. Situation Analysis BDD Jewelers products have been very well received and they have a percentage of returning customers. To grow the market, product awareness is called for through marketing at trade exhibitions and wedding fairs, an upgraded web site and a more visible shop location, funds permitting. The key target markets are couples seeking to marry, individuals looking for a unique product and those who make one off purchases for special occasions etc and to expand the business through targeting of galleries willing to stock the production jewelery. Due to the weakness of the US Dollar against the Euro in the last year, international sales has been slow, however with the expectant rise in the US economy that situation is expected to revert to past positive performance. The wedding market remains stable with modest growth forecast for the next year. 3. Market Demographics Due to the the firms use of the Internet, it has no defined geographical area. However a rough estimate is that 70% is from the domestic market while 30% make up the international side. The customer base is evenly split between men and women. The largest age group who make a purchase is those in the 25-40 bracket and in the middle to high income bracket. 3.1 Market Needs BDD Jewelers provides its customers with a wide variety of jewelery. As a business it seeks to provide to its customers jewelery of the highest craftsmanship coupled with unique and contemporary designs. A first class after sales service is provided, jewelery resizing and jewelery repair. 4. SWOT Analysis Strengths Good reputation among customers Central location Quality Workmanship Good access and relationship with suppliers Weaknesses Poor shop visibility Limited marketing budget in comparison to larger retailers Due to business size possible problems in meeting supply requirements Opportunities Government incentives for small business Threats Economic slowdown can have a negative effect on the amount of discretionary income people have for luxury items Inferior quality products 5. Market Assumptions The fore casted market growth in the sector for the the next 3 to 5 years is 9%. The threat of new custom made jewelers to the market remains small, due in part to the high skill involved and start up costs, however the larger jeweler chains may become more aggressive in their pricing and marketing which could affect sales of our stock production lines. 6. Strategic Intent The businesses core marketing objectives over the next year is to make inroads into getting the stock production line into third party retailers such as niche high end jewelers (galleries)and to develop the wedding market with more visible promotion of the business at wedding fares. An overhaul of the website is required to make it look more appealing. In the mid to long term, a new future premises is needed(most likely in the same general area) with more exposure to pedestrian traffic. With projected growth in the business, the employment of more skilled craftsmen to met demand for the custom designed jewelery side of the business. The possibility of forming partnerships with Irish distributors in the US market with the help of the IDA. 7. Marketing Mix Strategies BDD Jewelers marketing mix is made up of the following A. Product..Will strive to produce the highest custom made jewelery alongside a more affordable yet equally high quality range of stock jewelery. B. Price..Will vary according to specific customer requirement such as gemstones for the setting or the level of detail required. In the stock range, price is comparable to major retailers. C. Promotion..Due to high return for custom designs, it is felt that an increased marketing campaign be engaged upon. This will be achieved through magazine advertising, networking, website links, the yellow pages and trade/fashion shows. D. Place..For internationally received orders, delivery is via UPSFedEx express delivery. Domestic orders can also be shipped with tracking or can be picked up in store. 8. Sales Forecast In year one, months 1 to 3 will be spent trying to establish a foothold within the gallery market. It is expected after month 3 sales to this sector will begin incrementally. Within a three month period sales will be rising also in the wedding market sector due to an increase in the visibility of the business at wedding fairs and an advertising campaign in magazines etc. 9. Implementation In order to achieve desired results, the following milestones must be met on time and in budget. A. The development of the plan B. Identify the channels to be used in the marketing plan C. Establish a review process

Friday, October 25, 2019

Poetic Wordplay Essay -- Poetry Analysis

One of the recurring themes within Manyoshu, a collection of over 4,000 poems (Keene 1955, 33) written by a variety of authors—some of whom were emperors and their paramours—is love and the coping with the loss of one’s love. The very nature of the Manyoshu lends itself to this subject matter, particularly since many of the poetic works contained within are tankas that are highly symbolic and suggestive of association. As such, many of the poets found within this work utilized various literary devices to express their notions of love and its absence, some of the most important of which include diverse aspects of diction, anaphora, alliteration, and other forms of sentence structure. There is a definite proclivity of the structure of a poem influencing and coloring its content, particularly due to the utilitarian aspects of much of the literature that comprises Manyoshu. Many of these poems were also regarded as songs that would be stated or sung aloud during impo rtant rituals to utilize a spiritual aspect of the words and the sentiments they conveyed. Therefore, when discussing the topic of love and its loss within this compendium, it is important to understand that specific choices of words are highly influential in conveying the desires and feelings of both the poets and their poems. Numerous examples abound in which one can see how the diction of a poem helps to impart a particular meaning, especially when the thematic issue of that poem has to do with love. Oftentimes, much of the poetry within Manyoshu—which is the oldest known work of poetry written in Japanese (Morrow 2004)—treats of unrequited feelings of passion between individuals, such as the verses composed by Empress Iwa no Hime, who was romantically involved with Em... ...h is why so many of the poems in this volume deal with the haunting memory of a past relationship that a poet is clinging to through his or her writing. Works Cited Keene, Donald. Anthology of Japanese Literature, From the Earliest Era to the Mid-Nineteenth Century. New York: Grove Press. 1955 Print. Keene, Donald. Sources of Japanese Tradition: Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. New York: Columbia University Press. Print. 2002. Morrow, Avery. â€Å"The Undecipherable Poem, No. 9 of the Manyoshu†. 2004. Web. Nakamura, Dr. Hisashi. â€Å"Ten Thousand Leaves†. Tanka Society. 2009. Web. Reiser, Gary. â€Å"FormForAll—Manyoshu Poetry†. 2011. Web.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary Essay

Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary are two of the most famous literature female protagonists of the 19th century. They are both known for their strong personalities and beautiful physical appearances. Elizabeth Bennett is the beautiful young heroine in Jane Austen’s well known romantic novel Pride and Prejudice while Emma Bovary is Gustave Flaubert’s protagonist in the much controversial French novel Madame Bovary. These two novels include two of the most talked about female protagonists in English Literature. Despite the two characters’ distinguished characteristics and principles, there are remarkable similarities in their stories’ settings and social situation. Comparison between Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary The comparison between Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary is not merely limited to the physical appearances but also to the extent of their social status and role as women. Both Bennett and Bovary live in a setting when social status is considered a basic need of an individual. It is noticeable that both Pride and Prejudice and Madame Bovary include the setting of a gathering or a ball where people of high status gather and meet. In Pride and Prejudice, the story starts off in a ball where Elizabeth Bennett meets the seemingly proud and cold Fitzwilliam Darcy. Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen which was first published in 1813. It is more than a story of love which revolves around the lives of the Bennett family and the wealthy male visitors of Hertfordshire. The wide variety of personalities in the story contributed to the novel’s attractive and compelling features to date. In this regard, Elizabeth Bennett’s character speaks much of a strong personality which is extremely opinionated and bold. Unlike her younger sisters, she does not allow social status and wealth to interfere with her standards for love. However, in her statement, prejudices toward Darcy are evident for she has already judged him without knowing him well first. However, at the end of the story, she regrets having misjudged the man upon knowing the real Fitzwilliam Darcy. Thoroughly reviewing the whole context of the story, the diverse personalities of the characters are what made it possible to arrive in a certain character transformation. Each character is provided a characteristic that is distinct to other characters. Elizabeth Bennett, an interesting character indeed, possesses traits which are very much different from her sisters. Here is one of her statements to Darcy included in Chapter 19 where she rejects him the first time he proposed to marry her and considered to be one of her most famous line which establishes her personality as a dignified woman: I do assure you, Sir, that I have no pretension whatever to that kind of elegance which consists in tormenting a respectable man. I would rather be paid the compliment of being believed sincere. I thank you again and again for the honor you have done me in your proposals, but to accept them is absolutely impossible. My feelings in every respect forbid it. Can I speak plainer? Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to plague you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart (Austen 97). Meanwhile, Emma Bovary represents the immaturity that Elizabeth Bennett least possessed. Bovary is portrayed as a woman who is fond of romantic novels and hopes despairingly for a magical romance. With this mindset, she resorts to adultery upon getting bored with the kindhearted but dull husband, Charles Bovary. In Chapter 9, Flaubert describes Bovary’s disgust and resentment towards the tiny details of their worn-out kitchen: Mealtime was the worst of all in that tiny room on the ground floor, with the smoking oven, the creaking door, the damp walls, and the moist flagstones; all the bitterness of her existence seemed to be served up to her on her plate, and the steam from the boiled beef brought up waves of nausea from the depths of her soul. It took Charles a long time to eat; she would nibble a few hazelnuts, or leaning on her elbow, would assume herself by drawing lines on the oilcloth with the tip of her knife (Flaubert 81-82). The way Flaubert presented the kitchen in Bovary’s eyes; it becomes clear that Bovary feels trapped in the duties of domesticity. She longs for something more than being just a housewife which is why she engages in extramarital affairs with wealthier men because she thinks she can achieve such imaginary romance by staying with a rich man. Clearly, this premise is very contradictory with Elizabeth Bennett’s principles. Despite their similar poor status in the society, Bennett is more satisfied with her life than Bovary. Bennett accepts the life she is living and does not immediately grants Darcy’s marriage proposal for the sake of wealth and status. It is true, though, that Bovary and Bennett have their similar standards for love. Even Bennett dreams of the man whom she would love dearly however, the difference is Bennett is rational and is willing to wait. On the contrary, Bovary is more impulsive in her decisions that her efforts are mostly in vain. Conclusion There are many similarities and differences between the characters of Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary. Both women live with poor social status in the society which is the very reason of the conflicts in their love stories. However, it is important to note that despite their similar poor situations, their stories end up differently. Bovary’s end becomes tragic while Bennett lives the fulfilled life. The reason for these endings is dependent on the personal characteristics and attitudes of the two women towards poverty. Clearly, between the two heroines, it is Bennett’s dignified principles and rational thinking that earned her the much favorable ending than Bovary’s. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice: A Novel. London: R. Bentley. 1853. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Trans. Mildred Marmur, Evelyn Gendel. New York: Signet Classic, 2001.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

John Kerrys Plan for Economic Growth essays

John Kerry's Plan for Economic Growth essays There are a few distinct differences between Senator John Kerry and President George Bush's tax proposals. The economic and fiscal effects of those proposals will also be different. In the wake of a recession caused by the tech-bust of the late '90s and the negative effects of September 11th, President Bush pushed the largest tax cut in United States history through Congress. The recession turned out to be the shortest lived in American history. In the last thirteen months, 1.5 million new jobs have been created, home ownership is at an all-time high, and the unemployment rate is lower than that of the average rate of the '90s. President Bush's current plan is to make these tax cuts permanent in an effort to maintain the economy's steady rise. Both plans include marriage penalty relief and doubled child tax credit. The major difference is that part of Senator Kerry's tax plan is to roll back the tax cut on the wealthiest Americans to increase government revenue and thus decreas e the deficit. Raising taxes on wealthy Americans, however, would, in fact, have a very negative long-term effect on our economy. Long-term, economists universally agree that the most effective way to bolster the economy and at the same time increase government revenue is to keep unemployment down and increase disposable household income. However, under Senator Kerry's plan, the unemployment rate will likely rise, and total household disposable income will surely decline. Approximately 60% of jobs in this country are created by small businesses. A vast majority of those small businesses are owned by the wealthiest Americans (over $200,000 annual income). Rolling back the tax cut on these tax brackets essentially raises taxes on small businesses. The problem is when small business owners pay more taxes, they make discretionary decisions to hire fewer new workers and are reluctant to risk capital to expand their businesses. In many cases, workers ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler a

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler a Mastering any physical skill, be it performing a pirouette, playing an instrument, or throwing a baseball, takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. So what does practice do in our brains to make us better at things? Our brains have two kinds of neural tissue: grey matter and white matter. The grey matter processes information in the brain, directing signals and sensory stimuli to nerve cells, while white matter is mostly made up of fatty tissue and nerve fibers. In order for our bodies to move, information needs to travel from the brain's grey matter, down the spinal cord, through a chain of nerve fibers called axons to our muscles. So how does practice or repetition affect the inner workings of our brains? The axons that exist in the white matter are wrapped with a fatty substance called myelin. And it's this myelin covering, or sheath, that seems to change with practice. Myelin is similar to insulation on electrical cables. It prevents energy loss from electrical signals that the brain uses, moving them more efficiently along neural pathways. Some recent studies in mice suggest that the repetition of a physical motion increases the layers of myelin sheath that insulates the axons. And the more layers, the greater the insulation around the axon chains, forming a sort of superhighway for information connecting your brain to your muscles. So while many athletes and performers attribute their successes to muscle memory, muscles themselves don't really have memory. Rather, it may be the myelination of neural pathways that gives these athletes and performers their edge with faster and more efficient neural pathways. There are many theories that attempt to quantify the number of hours, days, and even years of practice that it takes to master a skill. While we don't yet have a magic number, we do know that mastery isn't simply about the amount of hours of practice. It's also the quality and effectiveness of that practice. Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one's current abilities. So if effective practice is the key, how can we get the most out of our practice time? Try these tips. Focus on the task at hand. Minimize potential distractions by turning off the computer or TV and putting your cell phone on airplane mode. In one study, researchers observed 260 students studying. On average, those students were able to stay on task for only six minutes at a time. Laptops, smartphones, and particularly Facebook were the root of most distractions. Start out slowly or in slow-motion. Coordination is built with repetitions, whether correct or incorrect. If you gradually increase the speed of the quality repetitons, you have a better chance of doing them correctly. Next, frequent repetitions with allotted breaks are common practice habits of elite performers. Studies have shown that many top athletes, musicians, and dancers spend 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft. Many divide their time used for effective practice into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration. And finally, practice in your brain in vivid detail. It's a bit surprising, but a number of studies suggest that once a physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced just by imagining it. In one study, 144 basketball players were divided into two groups. Group A physically practiced one-handed free throws while Group B only mentally practiced them. When they were tested at the end of the two week experiment, the intermediate and experienced players in both groups had improved by nearly the same amount. As scientists get closer to unraveling the secrets of our brains, our understanding of effective practice will only improve. In the meantime, effective practice is the best way we have of pushing our individual limits, achieving new heights, and maximizing our potential.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Case of Rice Smuggling Essays

The Case of Rice Smuggling Essays The Case of Rice Smuggling Essay The Case of Rice Smuggling Essay Smuggling seems to be rampant nowadays, as you listen the news today have you heard about the raid conducted In Appearance City? Where lots of fake products were confiscated Inside the warehouse owned by Mayor Olivarez of Appearance. Have you seen those branded shoes shown over the television those are fake products, We can compare this situation to our current Rice smuggling here in the Philippines. According to FINN Filipinos waste POP. Million Worth of rice Alone a day, this seems to be alarming because many were less fortunate to eat rice in a day while some Fullness were Just wasting Rice can you Imagine wasting food than giving your excess to the less fortunate? The Rice smuggling today were Just common to our past Philippine Government were they wasted budget importing rice from other countries which our country is named the Capital Rice of Asia way back 1995. Our country is not capable anymore supplying the demand of our people for rice thus the Government think of alternative ways to cope up with this demand by importing rice room our neighboring countries. But our corrupt and unscrupulous public politicians engage In several scams today Like the PDA scam which Involves many officials, I hope their conscience can take It even If they see some Filipino people who are poor, especially the marginalia people. If you see the news today have you heard the name Mr David Tan who is famous of becoming the lord smuggler in Dave, Mayor Deterred curse him to kill if caught because of eagerness to eliminate the smuggling in his province, if Mayor Deterred is Eke everyone else in the government do you think rice smuggling in the Philippines would exist? I heard Mayor Deterred also implements In his province shoot-to-kill policy when criminals tries to resist police force the force shall use lethal weapon to eliminate the criminal Immediately whichever the circumstances are. This policy is very helpful to our society nowadays, riding in tandems, robbery, extortion, smuggler, law invaders and others. If caught the Justice should immediately flourish by then criminals would be afraid of to cross the lines of law and order. You know excessive freewill sometimes lead us to destruction of our society but with limited freewill given on us the society may progress towards economic growth because of law abiding colleens of our nation the fear of punishment prevails. I hope the government officials would find ways to eliminate rice smuggling in the Philippines, I still believe on the motto of our government outdid an Dana but sometimes I doubt that we might end up to dead end. My hope and support to the free, All sins are equal in the eyes of god and we will be Judge by our works during our life here on earth. Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you John 20:21. So start the mission each of us has a task to do. The beginning of change starts from us, the Youth!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflection 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection 3 - Essay Example 2. My top three scores are Ambassador, Truth-seeker and Creative Builder which are all 21 points out of 25. This means that most of my strengths are on being diplomatic and allowing people to settle things before they get worst and on allowing them to realize their potentials. It is also important for me to be fair and for people to be the same on the basis of justice. It is also helpful that I find ways to solve things and look for new things and to improve them. This is basically what could be my leadership legacy. These are not bad qualities which I hope to improve by building more relationships and analytical process of solving things. 3. Daniel leadership style is effective in accordance to the Path-Goal Theory because he incorporates the connection of the demands that the task will require in relation to the kind of employees that he has. A good example of this is how he has categorized the types of work into two, namely, duplicating and publishing. Those who he assigned to duplicate documents do not require much skill and this is where the part-time students would be more effective since their main focus is on their respective courses. Those who are working under desktop publishing are more skilled than the other workers because their job requires time and more tedious work including creativity. Daniel as a leader is able to motivate the employees because they know that they are working under someone who has a concern for them. He is able to coach them when they need help, like in a software problem, guide them in the completion of their jobs and direct them when the same is necessary. Knowing that they can talk to their boss motivates the employees. Daniel’s work in The Copy Center makes him mindful of the character of the task and the capabilities of the subordinates makes for an effective leadership style that he

Friday, October 18, 2019

Archaeology - Neanderthals and Modern Humans Essay

Archaeology - Neanderthals and Modern Humans - Essay Example Human kind is very clever in this regard as well as in the regard of preserving life in severe environments, for a period of time. Yet, he states that human kind has often driven species to extinction and I have to personally agree with his position on this topic. Human kind is known to abuse the environment around it and this is no different from then as now. This is the main reason why so many living biological organisms are either extinct now or on the verge of extinction. Human kind over does it in practically every aspect of living so therefore my opinion is not very different from Wright's. Wright's belief is that it is this mentality of human kind that has ultimately lead to the downfall of many ancient civilizations. His point is that human kind falls into progress traps. We develop things that create a negative impact in our environments and that negatively affect our very own existence, thereby driving our own species into extinction. Wright also claims that cultural phenomena have absolutely nothing to do with human evolution and again I tend to agree with this. One of the examples that he gives in his book, in regards to the problem solving skills of mankind, is indicative in the summary he does of the Samarian

How Different Stakeholder Groups Build Brand Value Research Paper

How Different Stakeholder Groups Build Brand Value - Research Paper Example The concept of brand building has witnessed a striking change from the last decade. Traditionally the role of brands was just to provide a name or an identity to a product (Baehrens, 2012). Apart from being an identity is also the association which satisfies emotional and functional needs of the consumers (Glynn, 2009). A brand also helps to distinguish one company from the other (Dunn, 2004). However the modern concept of branding is a step of the entire marketing and selling process. According to Kotler (2008) branding is defined as the name which is associated with the product line of the companies and is used to recognize the product (Kautish, 2011). Apart from this American Marketing Association (AMA) defined brand as symbol, term, name, sign or design, or an amalgamation of all which are proposed to recognize the products and services of one company to that of the other. In other words brand helps to distinguish a product of a company from that of another company. However many authors have specified that brands are much more than just a mere mark of identification. Brands also act as the element which enhances the societal value of a company and the communal value of the user of a branded product. Kotler also mentioned brands as the major area of concern in the context of the product strategy. Since brand was only a part of the product strategy, the communication strategy also worked with it in the process of exploring the brand value and creating brand awareness. The brand development process is lengthy and there are a number of factors associated with it. Also there are a number of people starting from the employees and customers, who help in the process of creating brand. Hence there is a part played by the stake holders towards the... In this turbulent business environment creation of brand value is not an easy process and is mainly created due to active participation of the stakeholders. The situation worsens for the new companies who enter into a market. To cite an example it took many years for Pepsi, Coca Cola, Volkswagen, and Toyota, to get them established and to become renowned brands of the world. Thus, brand equity and brand value are the essential factors towards the success of an organization. Brand value is mainly used to define the association during the process of value creation, while on the other hand brand equity is imperative for the evaluation of the brand value that is also termed as the result for the relationship. After conduction the research about the impact of stakeholders on the creation of brand value, it can be concluded that the stakeholders plays the most essential role towards the development of a brand. The study also revealed that customers are an important group of stakeholder, bu t are not the sole responsible group for the development of a brand. Other stakeholders such as suppliers, distributors, business partners, other channel members, government, banks, Ngo’s, media and also competitors plays a major role in the process of brand value creation. The null hypothesis holds true for the project.

Managing Global Hospitality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Global Hospitality - Essay Example Global hospitality industry is growing at a good pace. The increase in holiday trends is one of the reasons of the growth. People now try to visit to different tourist destinations in their leisure time. Globalization has also contributed towards this trend and people all over the world get to see more and more beautiful destinations on television and internet. But with growth hospitality industry globally is also encountering many issues like regulations, natural disasters, high cost of service and greater competition. This has caused many global giants in the industry to look for new avenues of investment. Background of the Company Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is one of the largest hotel chains of the world. The company started its operations in 1971from Singapore but currently it has hotels and resorts in around 17 countries all over the world. The company grew in Asia at a very fast pace and right now has a significant market share in Asia. Overall the company has presence in all continents of the world except Africa. Company is also planning to open a new hotel in London in 2012 (Shangri-La Hotels Website, 2011). The company has wonderful customer service and has won many awards for of excellence. The diversity at the Shangri-La Hotels is very well known all over the world (Clark & Chen, 2007). Shangri-La Hotels are high class hotel and are catered towards the rich class and for this reason a high quality of service is maintained. The company is also planning to expand in China, Canada and India in years to come. The brand name of the company is prestigious and known all over the world. The expansion of the company is based upon the innovative practices of the company.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Changing Water Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changing Water Cycle - Essay Example According to the argument on reducing water levels, the regions indicated will suffer profusely in the agricultural and energy aspects. The consequential outcome of the challenges will further affect the society’s welfare at the advent of insufficient commercial production of specialty crops, recreation, and the general amenities. The figure shows that the southwest states’ water levels reduced by 14% from the beginning of the millennium to the present period, and the anomaly will remain at 84% until 2035. Further, the states’ water resources will dwindle to 66% and 43% between the ranges of 2041-2070 and 2070-2099 respectively. Therefore, it is certain that the south and west states along the US-Mexico border would be vulnerable to the consequences borne from the drastic climatic changes. The figure indicates that the water levels reduction process is imminent to the current societal practices. The region’s dependence in hydroelectric energy should cease as continuation of the practice risks the society’s welfare with the current prospects, which indicate a rapid rate of population increase in the agriculture-dependent area. Therefore, the concerned authorities should invest in geothermal, wind, and solar energy production projects as the alternative and eco-friendly sources to adapt to the changes. Secondly, the economic dependence on irrigation-based agricultural practices would flourish after the region’s reconsideration of constructing alternative water reservoirs and boreholes for use in the projects over the stream water sources. Apparently, the practice is a sustainable measure to ascertaining growth in the farming industry in the absence of water scarcity. The municipal water supply systems should conform to the measures of sustainability by reviewing the water distribution systems’ to match the environmental changes. Lastly, the

Teachers expectations influence students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teachers expectations influence students - Essay Example r in his â€Å"Best Practices† presentation researchers Hoover and Kindsvetter state the outcomes of their research on student teacher relationship in the following words: Teachers, on the other hand, also have an intimate bond with their students. While instructing and mentoring them, they look up to their students to perform just as they have been taught and sometimes even more than that. Teachers often tend to establish expectations with their students. They usually take note of spending one to one time with each one of their students so that they develop their trust on them and get to know them better. Expectations, on a broader sense, may often prove to behave like a double edged sword. Whether the expectations have been made by the parents or the teachers of a child they have shown to have had both raising and lowering effects on the students’ outcomes. A positive outcome of expectations is often possible only when institutionally the expectations are raised at each stakeholder level which involves the management and the teachers as well. â€Å"... the literature on motivation and school performance in younger school children suggests that expectations shape the learning experience very powerfully. For example, classic studies in the psychology literature have found that merely stating an expectation results in enhanced performance, that higher expectations result in higher performance, and that persons with high expectations perform at a higher level than those with low expectations, even though their measured abilities are equal.† (Schilling, Schilling, 1999) "rise or fall to the level of expectation of their teachers.... When teachers believe in students, students believe in themselves. When those you respect think you can, YOU think you can" (as cited in, 2010). Let us now bring into consideration the specific example of high school students with respect to the teachers’ expectations associated with them and also

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing Global Hospitality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Global Hospitality - Essay Example Global hospitality industry is growing at a good pace. The increase in holiday trends is one of the reasons of the growth. People now try to visit to different tourist destinations in their leisure time. Globalization has also contributed towards this trend and people all over the world get to see more and more beautiful destinations on television and internet. But with growth hospitality industry globally is also encountering many issues like regulations, natural disasters, high cost of service and greater competition. This has caused many global giants in the industry to look for new avenues of investment. Background of the Company Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is one of the largest hotel chains of the world. The company started its operations in 1971from Singapore but currently it has hotels and resorts in around 17 countries all over the world. The company grew in Asia at a very fast pace and right now has a significant market share in Asia. Overall the company has presence in all continents of the world except Africa. Company is also planning to open a new hotel in London in 2012 (Shangri-La Hotels Website, 2011). The company has wonderful customer service and has won many awards for of excellence. The diversity at the Shangri-La Hotels is very well known all over the world (Clark & Chen, 2007). Shangri-La Hotels are high class hotel and are catered towards the rich class and for this reason a high quality of service is maintained. The company is also planning to expand in China, Canada and India in years to come. The brand name of the company is prestigious and known all over the world. The expansion of the company is based upon the innovative practices of the company.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Teachers expectations influence students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teachers expectations influence students - Essay Example r in his â€Å"Best Practices† presentation researchers Hoover and Kindsvetter state the outcomes of their research on student teacher relationship in the following words: Teachers, on the other hand, also have an intimate bond with their students. While instructing and mentoring them, they look up to their students to perform just as they have been taught and sometimes even more than that. Teachers often tend to establish expectations with their students. They usually take note of spending one to one time with each one of their students so that they develop their trust on them and get to know them better. Expectations, on a broader sense, may often prove to behave like a double edged sword. Whether the expectations have been made by the parents or the teachers of a child they have shown to have had both raising and lowering effects on the students’ outcomes. A positive outcome of expectations is often possible only when institutionally the expectations are raised at each stakeholder level which involves the management and the teachers as well. â€Å"... the literature on motivation and school performance in younger school children suggests that expectations shape the learning experience very powerfully. For example, classic studies in the psychology literature have found that merely stating an expectation results in enhanced performance, that higher expectations result in higher performance, and that persons with high expectations perform at a higher level than those with low expectations, even though their measured abilities are equal.† (Schilling, Schilling, 1999) "rise or fall to the level of expectation of their teachers.... When teachers believe in students, students believe in themselves. When those you respect think you can, YOU think you can" (as cited in, 2010). Let us now bring into consideration the specific example of high school students with respect to the teachers’ expectations associated with them and also

Human Trafficking in America Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking in America Essay According to the report submitted to the U. S. Department of State in 2004, every year there is an estimated account of 600,000 to 800,000 people being trafficked for force labor and sex worldwide. In the United States alone, there are around 14, 000 to 17,000 men, women and children of different nationalities being trafficked each year passing discreetly international borders just to come inside the territories of the United States. Of these numbers, 70 percent are female while 50 percent are children or minors and most of them end up working forcibly in the illegal sex industry. The report also said that most of these trafficked foreign nationals mostly come from Asia. In America, however, an estimated 200,000 missing American children (minors usually women) from the past years are also getting the risk of having trafficked also in the sex industry (Shurter). While the United States has an open policy in accepting foreign nationals to its territories, the succeeding events of terrorism in the American soil during the past years has reorganized its system of policies and became more aware in allowing foreign nationals to stay in America. But then America remained to be the main transit and destination country for trafficking people if compared to other countries in the world. To adhere to the strong commitment of fighting human trafficking in the US and other countries, the US government has enacted The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 or the TVPA to redefine pre-existing criminal penalties and provide better protection for the victims of human trafficking. This act establishes Cabinet-level federal interagency task force to use their federal program in providing services to the trafficked victims. Initially the monitoring program done by the US in the early 1990s was primarily focused on trafficking women for the sex industry. But ever since the U. S. Department of State has included in their report in 1994 that not only women are being trafficked, the department began monitoring all persons with questionable citizenship status in the US beginning in that same year. To greatly reduce human trafficking, the U. S. has begun initiating anti-trafficking programs to aid countries fight this illegal trade. The office of the TVPA was assigned to monitor and allowed by the US State Department to combat human trafficking in the international level while millions of dollars were poured out as grants to organizations around the world to implement programs combating human trafficking. The U. S. has also helped these countries in enacting their laws for anti-trafficking legislation and provided training to law enforcers, prosecutors, border guards and judicial officers in determining, investigating and prosecution of traffickers and providing protection for the victims. Two years after the resolution of TVPA, The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2000 was reformulated to 2003 to provide resources and initiatives in helping the 18,000 to 20,000 victims of human trafficking saved in the US. Then in 2006, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 was signed into a stronger law (Justice). To show that there is clearly the cause for alarm with human trafficking which brought about white slavery in the United States, CBS News correspondent Tracy Smith explores and exposes the world of human trafficking in America by making her own series of research in America’s suburbs and reported her findings for The Early Show in series. Tracy interviewed a number of people who were victims of illegal sex trade and one of these is Shauna. Shauna is a 17 year old girl from Florida who was looking for friends in school because she was the new girl in the campus. Finally she was befriended by another student and invited her for a sleepover in her house. But a man who posed as the friend’s father drugged her drink and woke up to a nightmare. She found herself tied still dizzy with the drug. Not long after, she was brought to a place where she was sold. She was raped and beaten if she refused to have sex. Her parents searched for her and finally she was found by investigator Brad Dennis in a club. According to Dennis, Shauna was a victim of human trafficking which becomes the growing problem in the suburbs of Florida. Tracy Smith has discovered that the syndicates who are behind the kidnapping and human trafficking know the profile of the most potential targets that can be used for their sex trade. In this manner they connive with other people to do their deeds. Dennis said usually girls who are victims of human trafficking are moved around a circuit by their captors hitting major hotels and convention centers looking for potential and moneyed clients. Wan Kim of the U. S. Justice Department said that this kind of business has now developed into a very prolific business and usually undetected. The problem for the authorities is that the people behind this crime have wide connections and they have become even wiser with the trade. They can keep women for years without people knowing they live there as sex slaves. In the case of Shauna, her case has never been pursued because until today her captors remained at large (Smith). Human trafficking has developed into a lucrative business formed by different individuals grouped together to run a ring of syndicate. However, this is not always the case. In 2008, Maribel Rodriguez Vasquez, a 28-year old Guatemalan woman was arrested in Los Angeles for her involvement in her family’s human trafficking business. She was the sixth member of her family who was nabbed by immigration authorities as she was charged with 50 counts of human trafficking cases specifically luring Guatemalan minors to the United States with a promise of well-paid jobs but all ends up being prostitutes. Vasquez who was known as the â€Å"L. A. Madam† by her clients was posted on television as one of â€Å"America’s Most Wanted†. But Vasquez’ case was only one of the few cases of human trafficking that was highlighted by the media which makes people believe cases of immigrant sex trafficking are not literally important to be known by the masses. Lisette Arsuaga, director of Development for the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking in Los Angeles said we have a clear reality that human trafficking operates in every American city and even to towns but it is craftily hidden it is hard to uncover (Johnson and Rodriguez). The state of San Francisco is known for its liberalism toward sex and it has continuing history of arresting prostitutes around the city. Unfortunately it has also become one of the top American cities to be the favorite sanctuary of international sex traffickers and so large numbers of illegal immigrants pour out to the city each year. This is because sex trafficking is now an $8 billion international business and sadly traffickers consider San Francisco to be the best place to operate their largest commercial trades. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom who is not ignorant about this trade said although the city despised such reputation, being underground with unending source of clients makes the state helpless. Mayor Newsom said girls are forced to come to America because their families are being threatened and so the cases of human trafficking seem to be endless. While the U. S. Department of Justice states that thousands of illegal immigrants are being brought to the United States each year, there are still no quantifying data which assure that many of them fall as sex or force labor victims. The CIA is now involved to stop this trade and it has used its significant methods to come up with reliable sources of illegal immigrants. They now rely on law enforcement data, government data, international reports and academic research just to come up with backed-up information and track the sources of this trade. The CIA also confirmed that trafficked women for the sex industry generally come from Southeast Asia, the former Soviet Union and also South America. As usual, they are lured to work in the United States for more meaningful opportunities but once they are in, they are held captives and sold to brothels, strip clubs and outcall services. Even high-society call girls who come to the United States admit to the Federal investigators that being in captivity and held as sex slaves can be the most degrading and unimaginably unacceptable. In other parts of the world, human trafficking has also become an insatiable growing business which has overtaken drugs and arms trafficking. According to Barry Tang who is an Immigration and Customs Enforcement attache with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security in Korea, human traffickers in Korea are now highly organized with full logistical network between Korea and the United States. They have recruiters, intermediaries, brokers and even designated taxi drivers and influential pimps. On other countries, women are the usual traffickers and they acquire women from clubs, bars, colleges, restaurants and even pool halls. Their international contacts target mostly developed countries such as the United States, Japan and Australia because this is where the money is. When everything is settled in these countries, they even set up their own shops in the main cities particularly in California, New York, Las Vegas and Texas (May). As a conclusion, we may never stop human trafficking for the moment because it has already rooted itself in our societies. Not even America who advocates for human rights and preservation of human dignity find it hard to control such a phenomenal dilemma. But though this has become an uncontrollable ailment because it made its evil influence to the different form of culture and societies, we might still reduce its havoc in degrading human dignity by involving ourselves and be guardians for the sake of our children and our society. The governments are trying hard to pursue what is necessary but they cannot do it alone. We might not be the victims here but our children maybe their next target. Works Cited: Johnson, Alex, and Cesar Rodriguez. Human Trafficking in America. The World Race (2008). April 14, 2009 http://matthewsnyder. theworldrace. org/? filename=human-trafficking-in-america. Justice, U. S. Department of. Report on Activities to Combat Human Trafficking: Fiscal Years 2001 2005. (2006). April 15, 2009 http://www. humantrafficking. org/countries/united_states_of_america. May, Meredith. Sex Trafficking: San Francisco Is a Major Center for International Crime Networks That Smuggle and Enslave. San Francisco Chronicle2006. Shurter, David. The Problem with Human Trafficking in America. Now Public: Crowd Powered Media (2009). April 15, 2009 http://www. nowpublic. com/world/problem-human-trafficking-america. Smith, Tracy. Slavery in the Suburbs. United States, 2007. CBS Evening News. (September 12, 2007): CBS Interactive, Inc. http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2007/09/12/eveningnews/main3254966. shtml

Monday, October 14, 2019

Central Symbol In John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums

Central Symbol In John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums In the short story The Chrysanthemums, John Steinbeck uses the chrysanthemums as the central symbol to help the reader understand the storys plot and recognize the emotions and thoughts of the main character. Elisa Allen is an intelligent hard working woman who is unhappy and unfulfilled with her life. Her frustration arises from her husband who does not admire her as a woman and from not having mothered a child. She has a flower garden where she grows and takes care of beautiful chrysanthemums which are the only outlet for her frustration and her emptiness. The chrysanthemums in this story illustrate plenty to the reader about Elisas struggle to finding herself and fulfilling herself as a woman. Steinbeck uses the flower throughout his story to symbolize his main characters thoughts and ideas. Elisa relates herself to these chrysanthemums and her frustration is evident when she is first introduced in this story. She is a lonely, discontented woman. Her husband is always busy working in their farm, he does not pay any attention to her or her needs as a woman. She discovers an outlet for her dissatisfaction in a garden where she cultivates beautiful chrysanthemums. She takes refuge in her chrysanthemums, which symbolize herself. Steinbeck uses these lovely yet hardy flowers as a symbol to represent the soft spirit of Elisa. The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa as well as the limitations and restrictions of her life. One can clearly see the hostility in their relationship yet she comes out as an emotionally strong woman. Elisa stiffened and her face grew tight. Henry stopped short and looked at her. Why-why, Elisa .You look so nice! Nice? You think I look nice? What do you mean by nice? Henry blundered on I dont know. I mean you look different strong and happy. I am strong? Yes, strong. (Steinbeck 218). It clearly shows her strength of mind here. Elisa took great care of their flowerbed and like her house, it was neat and carefully ordered. Elisa relates herself to the flowers and as a reader we can see that she becomes one with the plants when she tends to them. She does not feel appreciated and is neglected, but still has enough to give herself to the care of her chrysanthemums. These flowers symbol how beautiful she really is and how she wants to be seen. Steinbeck lets the reader discover that the chrysanthemums are a part of Elisa. Elisas chrysanthemums also represent children that she does not have. Nurturing and taking care of these flowers satisfies her barren maternal instincts. The care she tends her garden with symbolizes her desire to look after children. The reader gets the feeling that they are her children and she looks after them like a mother. The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisas desire to be a mother and her children as well. She takes care of her garden and handles the chrysanthemums with a lot of love and attention just as she would tend to her own children. Elisa is very protective of her flowers and yet very proud to show them off like any mother would have been. She spread the leaves and looked down among the close-growing stems. No aphids were there, no sow bugs or snails or cutworms. Her terrier fingers destroyed such pests before they could get started (Steinbeck 212). She feels these insects will harm her flowers so she removes them before they can do any damage. Just as any good mother she does not want to see her children get hurt and she is happy and pleased to nurture these beautiful flowers. Elisas pride to grow such beautiful chrysanthemums show that the flowers in some ways replace for the fact that she has no children. The reader also sees that when the tinker praises her garden she swells with pride, almost feeling like she herself, and her children are being admired. The blossoming of these flowers to Elisa is like her own children shinning. These flowers clearly symbolise her needs as a woman, her need to be a mother and how she feels. In conclusion, we can understand that John Steinbeck uses many symbols in The Chrysanthemums. Elisas garden and the chrysanthemums all symbolize different phases of her life. The use of symbols in this story plays an important role in the readers understanding of the plot. Imagery and symbolism are well placed throughout the story to help explain Elisas feelings, her deepest fears and desires. They also establish the chrysanthemums as a direct extension of herself. After reading this short story one must wonder if Elisa will continue to live this discontented and unhappy lifestyle or will she finally blossom like one of her chrysanthemums?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

MacBeth is Responsible for His Downfall Essay -- Macbeth essays

MacBeth is Responsible for His Downfall    There were many wrongs committed in "MacBeth." But who should bear the major responsibility for these actions? The witches' prophesising? Lady MacBeth's scheming and persuasion? Or should MacBeth himself be held responsible? No doubt the witches and lady MacBeth influenced MacBeth in the course of action he took in his rise to power, but ultimately he must bear the major responsibility for his fate.    The witches played an undoubtedly large role in MacBeth, being the instigators of the entire plot. In act one scene three, the witches say: `all hail, MacBeth! Hail to thee, thane of cawdor! ... All hail, MacBeth, that shalt be king hereafter!' (Line 47-50) these prophecies throw into his mind the possibility of further advancement to the highest level of the nobility. If the witches had not told MacBeth of their prophesies, there is little chance he would have thought about them himself, and even less chance he would have murdered king Duncan.    In act three scene five, the witches are talking to hectate, the...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? :: essays research papers

Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Aztec Indians originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere in north or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a small, nomadic tribe living in the border territory on the margins of civilized Mesoamerica. (see map I) In the 13th century they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecs finally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, they founded the town of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy which said they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (see diagram I)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the next century the Aztecs grew to be greatest power in Mexico. As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized, learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000 years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Aztec empire consisted of numerous, loosely connected urban communities. Land ownership was communal. Each local group was composed of a few families that jointly owned a piece of land. Part of the yield of cultivated land was given to the state as a kind of tax.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology depended more on human skills than on mechanical devices. Iron and steel were unknown, although copper and bronze were used for tools and Mexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat, barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced from Europe and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation, terracing, and fertilization of the fields.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aztec Mexico was rich and civilized. The state controlled every aspect of life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for all boys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts. A centralized bureaucracy looked after the collection and storage of taxes, matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life for the Aztec's was good. Because of the complexity of their government all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, met the Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that the Spaniards had come in peace, but he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish, lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this report is to answer the question â€Å"Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ?† I feel that it most likely did. This is because when the Aztec's were conquered they were the most powerful civilization in the New World. The Spaniards saw them as â€Å"the ones to beat† to gain supreme power in the Americas. Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? :: essays research papers Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Aztec Indians originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere in north or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a small, nomadic tribe living in the border territory on the margins of civilized Mesoamerica. (see map I) In the 13th century they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecs finally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, they founded the town of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy which said they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (see diagram I)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the next century the Aztecs grew to be greatest power in Mexico. As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized, learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000 years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Aztec empire consisted of numerous, loosely connected urban communities. Land ownership was communal. Each local group was composed of a few families that jointly owned a piece of land. Part of the yield of cultivated land was given to the state as a kind of tax.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology depended more on human skills than on mechanical devices. Iron and steel were unknown, although copper and bronze were used for tools and Mexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat, barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced from Europe and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation, terracing, and fertilization of the fields.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aztec Mexico was rich and civilized. The state controlled every aspect of life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for all boys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts. A centralized bureaucracy looked after the collection and storage of taxes, matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life for the Aztec's was good. Because of the complexity of their government all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, met the Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that the Spaniards had come in peace, but he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish, lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this report is to answer the question â€Å"Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ?† I feel that it most likely did. This is because when the Aztec's were conquered they were the most powerful civilization in the New World. The Spaniards saw them as â€Å"the ones to beat† to gain supreme power in the Americas.

Friday, October 11, 2019

James Joyce. Araby

1. In Joyce's short story, the young narrator views Araby as a symbol of the mysteriousness and seduction of the Middle East. When he crosses the river to attend the bazaar and purchase a gift for the girl, it is as if he is crossing into a foreign land. But his trip to the bazaar disappoints and disillusions him, awakening him to the rigid reality of life around him. The boy’s dream to buy some little thing on bazaar is roughly divided on the callousness of adults who have forgotten about his request.And Dublin bazaar with alluring oriental-sounding name â€Å"Arabia† is a pathetic parody of the real holiday. 2. Although James Joyce’s story â€Å"Araby† is told from the first person viewpoint of its young protagonist, we do not think that a boy tells the story. Instead, the narrator seems to be a man matured well beyond the experience of the story. The mature man reminisces about his youthful hopes, desires, and frustrations.Because of the double focused narration of the story, first by the boy's experience, then by a mature experienced man, the story gives a wider portrait to using sophisticated irony and symbolic imagery necessary to analyze the boy's character. 3. Mangan's sister is the other central character in the story. The narrator shows us in ironic manner that in his youthful adoration of Mangan’s sister she is the embodiment of all his boyish dreams of the beauty, of physical desire and, at the same time, the embodiment of his adoration of all that is holy.Her image, constantly with him, makes him feel as though he bears a holy â€Å"chalice† through a â€Å"crowd of foes†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the Saturday evening throng of drunken men, bargaining women, cursing laborers, and all the others who have no conception of the mystical beauty his young mind has created in this world of material ugliness. 4. Joyce very clearly defined his creative task in the â€Å"Dubliners†: â€Å"My intention was to write a cha pter of the spiritual history of my country, and I chose the scene of Dublin, because this city is the center of paralysis â€Å".The opening paragraph, setting the scene prepares us for the view we receive of the conflict between the loveliness of the ideal and the drabness of the actual. Long monotonous periods, the rhythm and the threefold repetition of the word â€Å"blind† in the sense of impasse and blind create comic discrepancy between the title of the story and its beginning. 5. James Joyce uses dark and gloomy references to create the exact mood or atmosphere. Dark time of day (night) is used throughout the story and darkness is the prevailing theme.Joyce writes repetitively of the dark as a direct representation of the boy’s life. The boy plays in the dark, he hides in the dark, and he lives in the dark. The darkness is where he comes to an epiphany, and where he matures as a boy. The narrator's perception of the darkness causes him to reflect on his own is olation and loneliness. The nameless boy’s destiny is in the darkness of Dublin, and Joyce knows there is no escaping this. In the end of the story, the boy suddenly awakens to the bleakness of the humdrum life around him.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Implementing a Flexible Work Schedule

Flexible work schedules provide employees options regarding their working schedules for standard work week (Monday-Friday). These options include working from home (on occasion) to working a compacted amount of hours within the work week, limiting the amount of days in which the employee has to come into the office. Flexible work schedules are usually implemented with the intention of allowing employers the opportunity to have a well-balanced lifestyle between home and work. The primary or most popular work option chosen is flex-time (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). Flex-time allows employees to negotiate there hours within the limits of management. Another option is a compressed work week which means that you have worked your 40 hours in less than the standard 5 days. An option that is becoming popular for industries that are technology focused if call job-sharing. Job-sharing allows employees to divide the work load between two employees, which gives each employee the flexibility of working virtually or from different parts of the country (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). And then there is telecommuting, means that employees can complete their work time obligations from the leisure of their homes or a preferred location. The following Chart provides is a brief description of the flexible work options: A work schedule that condenses one or more standard workweeks into fewer, longer days. A work schedule with variable starting and ending times, within limits set by one's supervisor/manager. Employees still work the same number of scheduled hours as they would under a traditional arrangement. An arrangement in which two or more part-time (or occasional) employees share the responsibilities of one full-time job at a pro-rated salary. A work schedule that is less than full-time but is at least half of the regularly scheduled full time workweek. A block of time off while retaining one's job. These leaves may be paid or unpaid. A work arrangement in which employees regularly work at home or at an alternative work-site during part or all of a work schedule One assumption that is made by many employers is that allowing or implementing a flexible work schedule allows to retain your employees and maintain a more consistent work force (Pruchno, 2000). According to some, implementing and executing a flexible work schedule can reduce employee turnover, and save companies money in the long run on expenses associated with replacing valuable employees. Pruchno states that the cost associated with employee turnover can add up to 130% of the departing employee's salary (Pruchno, 2000). So for many, implementing flexible work schedules can be seen as a cost saving strategy. Another benefit for implementing a flexible work schedule can be measured by having a more relaxed, engaged, committed and productive employee (Families, 2012). Suzan Lewis wrote in her on implementing a flexible work schedule that, â€Å"both flex-time and compressed workweeks had positive effects on productivity/or self-rated performance, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with work schedules but that absenteeism was affected by ex-time only. â€Å"(Lewis, 2003). It later goes on to suggest that absenteeism had a relationship with the flexibility of the arrangement, where for example the different effects on absenteeism are because compressed work weeks are less flexible and therefore do not allow employees to, for example, make up time lost through illness or other reasons, as flex-time does, which results theoretically in a higher level of absenteeism (Lewis, 2003). The intended impacts and benefits for implementing a flexible work schedule is to balance work and lifestyle issues while increasing job productivity, commitment and employee satisfaction. One study concluded that employees operating under a flexible work scheduled usually demonstrate improved work and lifestyle balances immediately (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). In fact the study states that â€Å"employees operating under flex-time work schedules displayed a more improved level of work and life balances than their counterparts utilizing traditional fixed-hour schedules. (Russell H. O'Connell, 2009). Now, although the impacts of a flexible work schedules may appear to have primarily positive results, an incorrect execution of this program can cause problems. Overall productivity, depending on the industry, could potentially drop if the wrong program is implemented. Issues related to fairness, can also come into place if the program is not implemented and executed accurately. Most employers and employees agree that the proper implementation of a flexible work schedule can help to maintain a work-life balance and can increase job satisfaction and productivity. However, the potential problems to implementing such a program are usually seen when too many options are made available or when the wrong option is made available without proper research and planning. Companies should know and have a clear understanding of the impacts of each flexible work option. Along with this knowledge, companies should understand the impacts of specific flexible work options on their operations. Flex-time and telecommuting may not work as well in a manufacturing environment as oppose to an office setting. And Job-sharing may not work well for an engineering company, as it works for an IT help desk company. So, companies will need to make sure that they have engaged themselves in a comprehensive planning process to determine the right fit. So, the success of implementing and executing flexible work schedule ideally hinges on the actual option that is implemented. Which means that the success is determined by the type of industry that it is implanted in (office work, operation, manufacturing, etc.); the working environment or culture; and the carefully instituted flexibility of the work option itself? Also, as was highlighted earlier, the degree of flexibility is relatively important as well as it relates to how effective the flexible option can be. An option that is too flexible can yield minimal results in the intended goal of cost savings and employee work and lifestyle improvements. However, an option that that may be considered to be not flexible enough may risks not to be seen by employees as being beneficial and may not yield to intended cost savings. In saying this, to maximize effectiveness in this respect, a medium needs to be found where the arrangement is flexible yet not to an extent that hinders the intended goals and outcomes. The following outline provides some practical steps for planning, implementing and assessing a flexible work schedule (Families, 2012): What impact will flexible time or work location arrangements have on your service to clients? What are the benefits for employees and the organization? What are the potential problems? Can you deal with them? What time, effort and money it will take to make flexible arrangements successful? Is training required to be sure managers and co-workers have the knowledge and skills Ask employees, possibly in a survey, what they want Consult widely – with other organizations, clients, board members, volunteers, staff Review options, consider strengths and weaknesses of these options Develop written policies and procedures for implementation and monitoring Communicate to board, clients, staff, volunteers, public Run a pilot for a trial period and evaluate it Have staff report back on the pilot to provide their feedback Amend and/or extend the program if necessary After the pilot has run, make any modifications or changes to the program Inform staff of new processes and procedures Continue to evaluate the program on a regular basis Solicit feedback from participants, make changes and adapt plan as required This outline provides some basic steps for getting started, putting/implementing an effective plan of action, and evaluating the plan for improvements and adjustments. It also touches on some required elements that will help the company to yield the intended goals and to obtain buy-in from employees and staff. Implementing a flexible work schedule can be very costly and time consuming in the beginning; however, putting together a realistic and comprehensive plan will go a long ways toward assuring effectiveness. Specifically, the best way to ensure an effective implantation and execution of a flexible work schedule is to make sure that the applied flexible work option suits the specific industry. For example, flex-time can be a relatively ineffective arrangement unless it is chosen for the right job. Allowing a school teacher a day off once a week is probably not a good idea if his/her class schedules require that they be in attendance from Monday-Friday. Whereas a data-analyst who works for a software company, could potentially work 10 hours a day for four days a week and can be just as or even more effective than if he/she work eight hours a day five days a week. So, for companies to truly maximize effectiveness in the implementation of a flexible work schedule, the right flexible work option needs to be applied. In conclusion the some of the benefits of implementing flexible work schedule are cost saving, low employee absenteeism, increased employee productivity and work performance. However, these benefits are only yielded if the company implements and executes the right flexible work option. In this report, detailed steps and recommendations have been provided for how companies can successfully implement a flexible work Schedule. To ensure that the intended goals are achieved it is important that companies make sure that they have identified and implemented the right flexible work option(s). They must also make sure that the implementation process is inclusive whereas employees and executive staff members are included, trained and provided an opportunity to provide input in the implementation process. Finally, implementing a flexible work schedule, if done correctly, can do wonders for employee morale and commitment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Impact of Technology on Organisations Structure and Strategy Essay

The Impact of Technology on Organisations Structure and Strategy - Essay Example Technology had also been referred to as a technique, one used to solve the matter through a combination of different sources to achieve the desired result. To achieve this technique, one must not only know how to push a button to obtain the desired result but to have the technical know-how to accomplish one’s goal. Example of such technology includes medical technology, construction technology and computer technology. Human being relies on technology not only as tools and a means to an end. It forms the very basis of our humanity. Imagine a world with no writing, no music and no spoken word. These three elements are the very backbone of human communication, how we differentiate each other, how we develop culturally and how we can tell just by listening to a person, could tell whether he's French or English. The art of writing is a technology developed to record events, speech to communicate, and music for expression of the soul. With the new age technology, the arrival of video cameras, computers and the rapid development of various computer software produce a leaner organisational structure. Fewer people are needed as more mundane and repetitive works are replaced with technology. Security guards' job is taken over by video cameras, computers keeping the numbers of accountants to the minimum and robotics replacing the slicing, cutting and assembling part of factory jobs en masse. Thus, technology is viewed with suspicion by some, particularly senior labour workers, who are afraid of being made obsolete by science. Despite all the misgivings that existed, technology continues to sweep into the business world, with the most notable of all conquerors being mobile phones. It is almost impossible to imagine a businessman or woman to function without one or two of these handy little gadgets. Information is the key medium of business making process these days.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Billy should be prosecuted for the alleged assaults Essay

Billy should be prosecuted for the alleged assaults - Essay Example The crown prosecution service is controlled by the Director of Public Prosecutions, who is normally accountable to the Attorney General in Wales and England. The Attorney General, as a result, is normally answerable to Parliament for the service provided by the crown prosecution service1. The Crown Prosecution Service normally has the responsibility for taking criminal cases above the police investigatory level. The crown prosecution service normally direct the police on cases for conceivable prosecution, they evaluate cases submitted by the police; they decide any charges in minor cases; they organize cases for court and forward cases to court, both in the Crown and the Magistrates Court. The major role of the crown prosecution service is to examine the evidence collected by the police, and deliver guidance. After sufficient evidence is obtained, the crown prosecution service normally makes its decisions based on the evidence. They also decide whether a case should be followed or dr opped. In the occasion that the crown prosecution service is contented that there is sufficient evidence to arraign, they then prosecute either in the Magistrates Court. If the case is to be taken to the Crown Court, they order an independent advocate to arraign for them or, gradually, they may employ their advocates. Despite the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service operates with the police, it is autonomous of them, and except for exceptionally petty cases, the choice whether to arraign a case depends on the crown prosecution service2. The Crown Prosecution service is normally accountable for defining the charge in all, but minor cases, they also advice the police during the initial stages of an enquiry, they also study cases passed by the police for prosecution; the crown prosecution also have the responsibility of examining cases for court and handing over those cases at court. In each case studied, the prosecutor normally weighs, whether, there is enough evidence, and if ther e is sufficient evidence, the prosecutor determines whether the person needs to be prosecuted. Despite the fact that Crown Prosecutors interact closely with the police, they normally have a responsibility of serving the Crown Prosecution Service, which is an independent governmental organization3. The rules and principles relating to assault and the general principles of the crown prosecution service are as follows: the crown prosecution service normally has the responsibility of deciding, whether, to prosecute or give an individual involved in an assault an out-of-court clearance. The crown prosecution service normally have to ensure fair and effective trial is provided. This is normally necessary so as to maintain law and order. The crown prosecution service has the responsibility of ensuring that the right person is prosecuted. They also have the responsibility of ensuring the person is prosecuted for the right offence. This is necessary to ensure that such offenders are brought to justice. It also the role of the crown prosecution service to ensure that casework judgments are performed fairly, without any bias, and with integrity in order to bring justice for defendants, witnesses, victims and the public4. The crown prosecution service also have the responsibility of evaluating, advising the people involved, and prosecuting cases to ensure proper out-of-court disposal to the lawbreaker. The crown prosecution service should ensure that the law is applied properly; they should do this by ensuring

Monday, October 7, 2019

Car Port Design Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Car Port Design Project - Assignment Example Thus the essay could give comprehensive information on the carport planning and design exercise. Car ports are units designed for the parking the cars to protect it from the environmental influences and dust. The ports need to be very cost effective and at the same time must be able to satisfy the requirement of the customer. Normally, these units are designed using the simple structural components like beam and columns. The roofing materials shall be lightweight and weather resistant. The columns shall be fixed firmly to the ground using suitable foundation units. The roof material is fixed on the purlins, which are connected to the beam. Thus the purlins are thin section beams that must be able to take the roofing component load while beams carry the weight of both purlins and roof cover. The columns are designed to carry the load transferred by the beams. The challenge in the design process is to select the most economical cross section that had least weight with maximum strength. Besides being very safe for the people and securing the vehicles, it must also be aesthetically very appealing and capable of creating very good visual impact. The most important parameters to be considered for the design of car ports are easy access, personal safety, vehicular safety and selection of materials and landscaping and aminity of adjacent area (SPG Note 16. The importance of first three parameters are self-explanatory. On the materials, the chosen ones shall be of good quality with most preferred being tarmac. Being very durable and attractive the cobbles or the block pavements too could be used. An effective landscaping could improve the overall appearance of the unit. This could be achieved by low boundary walls or fencing but should be very judicious in the selection of such systems as it must not give any opportunity for the outsiders to have a closer view of the vehicles parked in the car port. Also, the layouts shall incorporate the easiness in the maneuvering the vehicle by the drivers or any constrains imposed by disabled people (SPG Note 16). Also, in the case of multiple car ports. the design process shall also look into the easy access, visual clarity for the road users and pedestrians while locating the access points. In addition, detailed signboards or signages that give an indication about the entrance, exist, lift and any other important facility shall also be incorporated. 2.0 A comparison of different design concepts In the case of independent carport design for homes requires a detailed evaluation of the design proposals as the factors like variation in the type of materials or the roof overhangs could lead to considerable variation in the expected life and the initial cost required. The different carport designs that are normally adopted are usually based on different configuration of the spaces earmarked or selection of the materials. The stoned alone type carport or an